
 Here are pictures of the playground at Anchorage Montessori School. They go outside every day, in rain or snow if the temperature is right.  

 And here is the outside play rule for the state.

Outdoor Recess

Students who are well enough to attend school are well enough to play outside unless the school receives a note from their medical provider. Students in the ASD play outside until temperatures are 10 degrees below zero Fahrenheit. Appropriate attire is necessary to prevent frost bite.

I wish I can remember what North Carolina policy is but I know it isnt 10 below.

                                                                      Garden 1

 He is slowly becoming my favorite little boy.  He has taught me so much about airplanes and float planes and told me that he will be in the pilot seat and I can sit next to him and we can go for a ride.  I'm in!
                                                                 Garden 2

                                                                     Bike track

                                  Plastic play equipment:  because of the winters and how cold metal gets

                                                 Outdoor painting area (not in use today)


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