Today I met Eleanor at the
Botanical Gardens and had a really nice afternoon. We walked around the gardens and it was fun to see the new plants that are native to Alaska as well as plants from my childhood thru early adulthood in New York. Since I moved the North Carolina, I had some childhood memory plants that I couldn't grow, especially in Charlotte. The one tree I loved growing up was the lilac bush. I could never grow it in Charlotte but once I moved to the foothills, I could grow it again. I now have two Lilac bushes in my NC home. Lilacs are abundant here in Alaska as well as beautiful and fragrant. They are finally going out of bloom here.
I took a bunch of pictures.
Front Entrance
Front Entrance
The cabbage were huge |
Front Entrance |
Look at that chard! |
Warning! No bears in the area although one was spotted yesterday!
Some warning, huh! |
I love the fencing! |
Blue Orchid Poppy! Look closely and see the one purple petal. |
Neither of us know what this is but it sure was interesting in the middle of the gardens. |
A mini trillium? |
Poppies |
Columbine |
Then we drove around to see if we could do any bird watching in town but the rain started and we just drove thru a neighborhood and looked at their beautiful gardens and took more pictures. Oops, these are from the Botanical Gardens still
Bleeding Heart which reminds me of NY and my son who loved them. |
Batchlor Buttons? |
The sign says Winter Warning: You are entering an active dog sled track...
Later I went to Lake Hood because I enjoy looking at the small planes taking off and the float planes just fascinate me!
I also found out tonite that Eleanor goes bird watching at Lake Hood. I get to bird watch and plane watch at the same time!
Nice pictures of birds!!!