Taking in Strays: being the stray!

For the past twenty or thirty years, I have periodically taken in strays to stay with us for a while.  I always felt like I had enough, so for people who needed a place for a while, it worked out fine.  I had a few of my children's friends stay with us over the course of time.  I had "the best" foreign exchange student stay with us for about 6 months when I first moved to this community.  That was 5 years ago and she is still "my daughter".  I recently took in an 18 year old boy for two months.  Enough said!  The list isn't important, what is important is what I have learned from them.  It takes a village to raise a child!

I am going to be the "stray" in Alaska, staying with people I don't know and in their house.  I am excited and nervous at the same time.  I think I should talk more about this with my exchange student.    I am moving over 3000 miles away for 2 months.  Wow!  This might be one of those things like I said when I went dog sledding at age 50.  "Who the hell's idea was this???"  Of course, both times it was my idea!

I need the adventure and I miss working directly with children and I need to cross of Salmon Fishing in Alaska from my bucket list.  The strange thing is:  that is the last thing on my bucket list for now.  Nine years ago, I had dog sledding in Alaska on it, when I returned, I put salmon fishing on my list.  I wonder what will going on my list when I return from this venture.....who knows, let's see!

My big questions is:  Where will I get my morning coffee?

More later!


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