Bakery Lady / Fabric Run
After the pool, I walked up to the local market street. I was hungry and needed a few groceries. Eric has this little lady friend at the bakery and she took a liking to me as his mom. So every few days, i go get a sandwich or two there and she always has given me food gifts from the bakery. It is really sweet. She asks me where I am going to see Eric or home, its always home.
After going home and eating because it is not acceptable to eat in public unless its a restaraunt. I had to walk all the way home, while the food smell was in my bag. It was yummy and worthwhile.
After eating and taking a 10 minute rest, I was walking up to meet Monica for fabric shopping. She wants to make a quilt and just happens to work at the fabric store. I would never bring any money home. lol On the way, I stopped at the store called the Quilt Pot. At first we thought it was a restaraunt but then realized it was a store. It was on the fourth floor. I took the teeny tiny elevator up, walked down the hall to the left, turned right, made another left and there it was. It was a real quilt store. The woman spoke three or four words of English, but she showed me a book with the teacher who taught her quilting was featured. The store owner was also in the book. It was beautiful. I asked about lessons and she gave me two flyers and tried to explain things to me in Japanese. One of the things I find facinating is that when I brought my papers to Monica, my interpreter, it seems like without knowing which were the beginning classes, I definitely understood what the schedule was. It was in symbols. Monica also told me that this woman teaches all levels, including if I wanted to become a professional quilt teacher. I, immediiately knew i was out of my league. The interesting thing about Monica is, nothing seems to scare her. She said, maybe I should become a quilt teacher, while I backed off!
Then I walked to Monica's store. Looked around a bit and waiting outside for her. Shopping for fabric is so much fun yet it is also a personal experience based on preferences, likes, dislikes and interest. Needless to say, I bought some fabric for gifts and a small amount for me. I couldn;t help it! Today, we are staying home to sew. It's also a rainy kinda sewing day! There is also a place I want to explore so when I need a break, I am going to take an exploring walk.

My free gift from the Bakery Lady
Look how she doesn't even come up to the counter. She is adorable and full of happiness.

After going home and eating because it is not acceptable to eat in public unless its a restaraunt. I had to walk all the way home, while the food smell was in my bag. It was yummy and worthwhile.
After eating and taking a 10 minute rest, I was walking up to meet Monica for fabric shopping. She wants to make a quilt and just happens to work at the fabric store. I would never bring any money home. lol On the way, I stopped at the store called the Quilt Pot. At first we thought it was a restaraunt but then realized it was a store. It was on the fourth floor. I took the teeny tiny elevator up, walked down the hall to the left, turned right, made another left and there it was. It was a real quilt store. The woman spoke three or four words of English, but she showed me a book with the teacher who taught her quilting was featured. The store owner was also in the book. It was beautiful. I asked about lessons and she gave me two flyers and tried to explain things to me in Japanese. One of the things I find facinating is that when I brought my papers to Monica, my interpreter, it seems like without knowing which were the beginning classes, I definitely understood what the schedule was. It was in symbols. Monica also told me that this woman teaches all levels, including if I wanted to become a professional quilt teacher. I, immediiately knew i was out of my league. The interesting thing about Monica is, nothing seems to scare her. She said, maybe I should become a quilt teacher, while I backed off!
Then I walked to Monica's store. Looked around a bit and waiting outside for her. Shopping for fabric is so much fun yet it is also a personal experience based on preferences, likes, dislikes and interest. Needless to say, I bought some fabric for gifts and a small amount for me. I couldn;t help it! Today, we are staying home to sew. It's also a rainy kinda sewing day! There is also a place I want to explore so when I need a break, I am going to take an exploring walk.
My free gift from the Bakery Lady
Look how she doesn't even come up to the counter. She is adorable and full of happiness.
You are so lucky!